Service Reminder Interval (SRI) Reset

Oil service reset

Control unit 17 (Dashboard/Kombiinstrument)
Adaptation (10)
Channel 2 / WIV: Resetting ESI / WIV: Rücksetzen der WIV
→ 0 / Reset / Rücksetzen

Distance-based inspection service reset

e.g. changing the timing belt

Control unit 17 (Dashboard/Kombiinstrument)
Adaptation (10)

Channel 53 /
FIX: Distance covered since last mileage-dependent inspection /
FIX: Fahrstrecke seit letzter laufleistungsabh. Inspektion

→ 0 km

Time-based inspection service reset

e.g. pollen filter replacement and brake fluid change

Control unit 17 (Dashboard/Kombiinstrument)
Adaptation (10)

Channel 55 /
FIX: Time since last time-dependent inspection /
FIX: Zeit seit letzter zeitabhängiger Inspektion

→ 0 d

For pre-1998 models: Audi, VW.

Switch from fixed to flexible interval

The fixed interval is activated automatically when you perform a reset via the buttons on the instrument panel and not through diagnostics.

Fixed maintenance interval (Countries Group 2): Canada and USA, Poland, Turkey, New Zealand, Australia, China, CIS (without the Baltic States, Ukraine), South America (without Argentina, Brazil, Chile), Romania, Chile, Middle East (Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Afganistan), Africa (Egypt, Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia…), Brunei, Macedonia, Argentina, Estonia, Lithuania, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Dubai.

Flexible maintenance interval (Countries Group 1): Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Great Britain, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Canary Islands, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Malta, Austria, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland/Lichtenstein, Spain/Andorra, Czech Republic, Cyprus.

ESI – Extended Service Interval

Control Unit 01 (Engine)
Long coding (07)
Byte 07
Bit 3 → Active ✓
Control unit 17 (Dashboard/Kombiinstrument)
Adaptation (10)

Step 1

SIE: oil quality → 2 - Good oil quality (flexible)

Step 2

SIE: minimum value km-driving distance/inspection → 15000 km

Step 3

SIE: maximum value km-driving distance/inspection → 30000 km

Step 4

WIV: minimum value of time between inspections → 365 d (gasoline) / 730 d (diesel)

Step 5

SIE: maximum value of time between inspections → 730 d

Step 6 (Oil service reset)

WIV: Resetting ESI → 0 - Reset

Step 7

SIE: maximum value km-driving distance/inspection → 30000 km

Step 8

SIE: maximum value of time between inspections → 730 d

Step 9 (Inspection service reset)

FIX: Distance covered since last mileage-dependent inspection → 0 km

Step 10 (Inspection service reset)

FIX: Time since last time-dependent inspection → 0 d

Step 11

Fix: Max. distance until next mileage-related inspection → 30000 km

Step 12

FIX: Maximum time until next time-dependent inspection → 365 d

It will take ~500 km (~300 miles) of driving before actual values start to appear on the service interval screen, which is the time it takes the TOG sensor to do its initial analysis of the oil.


These channels are for reading out only!

Channel 40/SIE: distance driven from inspection → 0 km (After reset)
Channel 41/SIE: time from inspection → 0 d (After reset)

Adaptation overview

Channel 2/
WIV: Resetting ESI /
WIV: Rücksetzen der WIV
- 0 / Reset / Rücksetzen

Channel 40 /
SIE: distance driven from inspection /
WIV: Wegstrecke ab Inspektion
- 0 km (Reseted)

Channel 41 /
SIE: time from inspection /
WIV: Zeit ab Inspektion
- 0 d (Reseted)

Channel 42 /
SIE: minimum value km-driving distance/inspection /
WIV: Minwert Km-Fahrleistung/Inspektion
- 15000 km (flexible)
- 8000 km (fixed)

Channel 43 /
SIE: maximum value km-driving distance/inspection /
WIV: Maxwert Km-Fahrleistung/Inspektion
- 30000 km (flexible)
- 8000 km (fixed)

Channel 44 /
SIE: maximum value of time between inspections/
WIV: Maxwert der Zeit zwischen den Inspektionen
- 730 d (flexible)
- 365 d (fixed)

Channel 45 /
SIE: oil quality/
WIV: Ölqualität
- 1 - Poor oil quality (fixed)
- 2 - Good oil quality (flexible)

Channel 49 /
WIV: minimum value of time between inspections /
WIV: Minwert der Zeit zwischen den Inspektionen
- 365 d (fixed)
- 365 d (flexible gasoline engines)
- 730 d (flexible diesel engines)

Channel 52 /
Fix: Max. distance until next mileage-related inspection /
FIX: Max. Fahrstr. bis nächste laufleistungsabh. Insp.
- 30000 km

Channel 53 /
FIX: Distance covered since last mileage-dependent inspection /
FIX: Fahrstrecke seit letzter laufleistungsabh. Inspektion
- 1 km

Channel 54 /
FIX: Maximum time until next time-dependent inspection /
FIX: Max. Zeit bis zur nächsten zeitabhängigen Inspektion
- 365 d

Channel 55 /
FIX: Time since last time-dependent inspection /
FIX: Zeit seit letzter zeitabhängiger Inspektion
- 3 d

Channel 55 /
Day counter (Total)
- 1324 d

Sources: vcdspro, ross-tech.